Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Communcation Speaker

Our second speaker, Marcia Pentz, was outstanding. I was blown away by her effectiveness in each and every word she said. Comparing it to our first speaker, who at the time I thought was decent, there's no comparison. Not did Marcia make me want to listen to her (which is a difficult task, when it's 6pm on a Wednesday) but my eyes were glued onto her and I couldn't wait to hear what she was going to say next. Her points were substantial and helpful, and I felt that when I walked out of the room I had learned quite a bit. I wasn't too crazy about the activities we did, but I did appreciate the time to stand up, stretch, and take part in the the speech. Hands down the best speaker yet, including our third session--for me, it'll be hard to top her. I loved (although not having to do it at the time) how she made us make a 60s, 30s, and 1 sentence gist of our main activity--genius. Now, I'm finally noticing how often those come in handy....on a daily basis, truly. No longer am I sloshing through that. First impressions of your organization are crucial when it comes to recruiting other students to take part.

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