Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Meeting, The Second

Marcia Pentz definitely made me pay attention to what she was saying, and kept the audience engaged the entire time. One of her point was that leaders must lead by example, and she did just that. Her talk was so effective because she was utilizing the same public speaking techniques she was talking about, which really drove each of her points home. I especially liked how she pointed out that every time you speak, you are doing public speaking. This is particularly important to remember when you are a leader, because you become the image of an organization. As soon as you are an icon, you are a subject to be judged and everyone who sees or hears you will be evaluating you and, by association, your organization. It is easy to forget this when you are not at a podium or in a meeting, and thus a lot of people lose the esteem of others just by a careless comment in an informal setting- you never know who is listening and what might offend them.

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