Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hey guys!

Great posts so far!! Travis has already contributed 2 posts, so I thought I would leave something to show you all that we're actually reading these!

Since most of the people in our group are first years, you probably would rather eat anything BUT O'hill and Newcomb meals. However, I wanted to say how much that one meal at O'HIll means to me. I felt like a kid in a big giant candy store, that has not only candy but EVERY FOOD YOU COULD EVER WANT!

And don't worry, I made full use of my visit....I helped myself to two very sizable portions of Ice Milk (WITH oreo crumbles, of course!)



  1. Things to tell your followers

    I liked the speakers organization of her thoughts-many things she told us were listed/numbered traits or characteristics of a leader. There were 3 things that hit home with me that I hadn't heard in awhile.

    The first two were talked about together: 2 things a leader should say to their followers.
    1. “I always want to know the bad news-don’t hide things from me. And I will never shoot the messenger.” In a group setting it often arises that people want to try to keep bad news from their leader. Being upfront with everyone would help this to not be a problem in the future. The second was “I will never waste your time.” Noone likes wasting time, and establishing this at a meeting generally makes everyone more relaxed and at ease.

    The third was something encouraged by Thomas Jefferson. "Leave a legacy." It is important not only to do amazing things while in office/leadership position, but also to influence those you leave behind and to make a mark.

    Looking forward to next week!

  2. I don't know how to post on the blog as NOT a comment, so that's one thing I'm looking forward to learning later today.

    I am the definition of a procrastinator, and aside from the 6 most important phrases of a leader, I don't remember many specifics from our speaker two Wednesdays ago.

    What I walked away with from our last session was the idea that people DO forget that being a leader isn't about focusing on yourself, it's about focusing on the GROUP. It's about facilitating. Being a leader's more about listening than speaking, more about taking responsibility rather than blaming others when something goes wrong, and more about stepping back and letting the group take credit for an accomplishment rather than taking credit as the leader. Most people know what being a leader entails, but we often forget when we, ourselves are in positions of leadership.
