Thursday, February 25, 2010

To impress your audience

The topic last week was pretty interesting. Those small tips about standing, gesture and even volume will help a lot in future presentation. Personally, I was very impressed by the lady. Being a leader, I feel like the way to speak is sometimes more important and powerful than what you said. It seems ironic, but true. Only those speeches with both strong insight while well presented will be recognized by its audience. Same thing even happens in class. Those classes taught by a wonderful professor with lively atmosphere will certainly last longer in my mind, at least he/she keeps me awake. Applying thus small strategies in future presentations, I'm sure, it will make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. I thought Marcia Pentz was a exceptional speaker. The energy and passion she brought with her presentation were truly genuine. While I found all her information to be relevant and interesting, I found the body stance topic to be the newest. Currently in a public speaking usem, we have to make presentations to the class without any notecards or visuals. One thing that can really make or break a person's presentation is their stance. From what I learned at the seminar:
    1. Don't clasp your hands behind your back, or tilt your head, or awkwardly hold 1 arm
    2. Never put your hands in your pockets
    3. Don't clutch a podium if you have one
    I hope to incorporate these things not only into my personal life but also into my public speaking. I didn't find anything in her presentation to be unimportant or off-topic. Nice!

    ps-can someone please post/email directions on how to create your own post? I can't figure it out and keep commenting sorrry! thanks!
