Tuesday, February 16, 2010

{ Mardi Gras }

I liked how she made a point to remind us that being a leader is not actually about yourself. A lot of attention is paid to leaders, how they act as individuals, and leaders themselves are usually trying to think of ways to make themselves better executives. Still, ultimately leaders should be the people most able to ignore their own lives in the interest of the group they are the head of. The easiest way to do that, is by finding something that you are truly passionate about, and possibly care more about than the other aspects of your life. Obviously that would be the dream project of everyone to head, but as long as you can get excited about some aspect of the group or event you are in charge of, then you are going to want to stay connected to the rest of the group, to inspire others, to be aware of the public face of it, to always keep learning about it, and to talk about 'we' instead of 'I'. You can really tell when a leader is actually excited about and invested in their project, and it makes such a difference. If you are only in it for yourself then you will end up making decisions for your own benefit, which may be detrimental to the overall goal. Having basic humility would make most of the things on that list a piece of cake

...and seeing that it is Mardi Gras, why not treat yourself to some right now?
Get excited.

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